This photo series is a collaboration between Francisco Tavoni and Twelvesixtynine, with writing credit to Paul Miniet. We are a curated eyewear store that specializes in working with independent designers, one of those being our newest addition; VADA.
Francisco has been based out of Australia. Due to the pandemic, he hasn’t been able to go home for over a year. This has led him on a yearlong adventure through the USA, Mexico, Germany and other European countries; which is why is seemed fit to call this series “Full-time Tourist.” During his time in Miami Francisco had the privilege of exhibiting his artworks during Art Basel, leaving a deep impact in the local art community.
Being Latin-American, Francisco has developed a unique style which is a direct representation of his creative spirit. His views on life, professionalism and his approach towards creativity have left an impact on the fashion industry. He takes eyewear very seriously, always striving to be in a special frame.
Fun fact, when Francisco came by our store he was instantly drawn to the Tokio by VADA. He tried them on and couldn’t take them off. (He left with them on)
Through “Full-time Tourist” we wanted to express what Francisco has been living through for the past year, rambling about the world without a place to call home. To add to this character, we chose the Waterside Hotel as the location and incorporated a 1977 Mercedes Benz 300D in many shots. (Shot by Eric Vicens & Maria Monsalvo)
If you’re ever in Miami, we’d love for you to swing by the shop and hangout with us. We’re located in the oldest neighborhood in the city, Coconut Grove. There’s always something brewing in the air here; surrounded by a mix of artists, intellectuals, fisherman and schoolteachers. Lots of local shops to explore and phenomenal restaurants to grab a bite at.
twelvesixtynine / 3113 Commodore Pl Coconut Grove, FL 33133 / 305.441.0399